I have been painting professionally since 2006. Mysterious, ineffable and indefinable Nature inspires me to inquire within and express unconditionally through abstraction. Which I feel, is an emotional and spiritually rich form of expression. Being an artist I am strongly inclined towards color, which helps to construct the unknown. Painting with mix media on canvas in a layered application results into transcendental expression which I perceive on intuitional level. At times I prefer to paint bigger canvases that challenges me to explore the realm of abstraction. I rely on this visual language to actualize unseen appearances of inner sight.
The process of creation is almost a kind of happening, capturing something of immutable intrinsic qualities of emotions, feelings and intense experiences. However, the essence of abstraction never becomes absolutely known. It remains mysterious, ineffable and indefinable. I think, this is what inspires me to enquire within and paint unconditionally.
To let ??ª??Within??ª? appear on canvas is a deep insightful happening strengthened by inner silence that gives form to the unseen appearances of inner sight. It is the result of such a creative process where one??ª?s own heightened sensitivity for composition and color do work in a most personal space.
I think ??ª??Abstraction??ª? should never be related to anything external because every abstract work of art is unique in itself and doesn??ª?t try to look alike something. It is completely non-objective and non-representational.
??ª??Color??ª? is the soul part of my work. It is why; all of my works do tend to convey some sort of feelings and not a narrative subject matter. Color is everything and everywhere. Color is a form. Color is energy??ª????ª??hence it emits certain frequencies which attract viewer??ª?s feelings too.
I do believe that one can rejoice in this very presence of the magnificence of color.
As far as my creative process is concerned, it is more like responding to the selected space or surface with the use of color, rather than just painting a surface. Each selected space requires its perfect color and when this requirement is fulfilled, it originates certain vibrations which then can connect to human feelings and emotions. I let the color take its place on its own accord. It happens very gracefully??ª??with so much ease. The colors I use, evoke a sense of movement in an unmoving space. The controlled cadence of colors summons a sense of belonging and urges viewer to take the journey WITHIN.
My approach here is / will be to continue with the way I express and find new dimensions to execute paintings as a process for transcending myself and the viewers to live and experience the realm of abstraction.
??ª??..and I am happy and grateful to be part of this wonderful artistic journey!
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