Flowers of life

Flowers of life


Let me give vent to my pent-up feelings and spell out what I have been attempting at. My pre-occupation with paintings, which is sometimes erroneously dubbed as surrealism and fantasy, is to make an attempt to relate my subjective experience in relation to my surroundings and situations.
Confronted with the challenging situations and domineering beastly instincts, human mind in its process of evolution, experiences an ever-raging conflict as to whether to yield to it or face and fight it out, to cross the barriers of Time and Space, with an urge to explore the unexplored to attain ?›ƒ?ª??Freeness?›ƒ?ªƒ?› to merge with ?›ƒ?ª??Panchabhootams?›ƒ?ªƒ?›.

Date of Creation


Artist Signature Place



24" W x 24" H




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